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Cloastal Shower Doors Logo

Coastal Makes a Statement at the Hospitality Design Product Awards

Featured in: Hospitality Design

The Frameless Eclipse® by Coastal Shower Doors was named a winner at the 15th annual HD Awards in New York. It was among 1,000 other entries, judged by HD editorial staff, for both product and project design awards.

One out of nearly 330 product submissions across 12 categories, The Frameless Eclipse®, a stunning barn door style shower door, received an HD Product Award in the Bath category for its achievements in hospitality design. This year, the “Bath” product category was new to the HD product awards, making Coastal one of its inaugural winners.

Coastal’s revolutionary Gridscape® Series was also included in two HD Project Awards out of 780 project submissions across 24 categories. This series, which uses stunningly bold grid patterns in a multitude of styles, was featured in the designs for both Hotel Figueroa in Los Angeles and The Wheelhouse Hotel in Chicago.

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